School Governance Team
Our Initiatives/Innovations
School Governance Team voted unanimously to allow conversions of general education classroom allotments to be used for support personnel. The newly created positions will include a science lab instructor, a gifted educator and a .5 dance instructor/.5 drama instructor.
The above action can be achieved by reducing class sizes by using Early Intervention allotments as classroom teachers. The models will be implemented as a self-contained and/or reduced class size. As a staff, we believe that students’ needs are better met in a general education classroom rather than an augmented model.
We feel that by providing these services to our students we will increase the number of students meeting or exceeding expectations on unit and standardized assessments. Additionally, we feel that by providing this service and reducing the class size, we will be afforded the opportunity to provide additional service to all students.
The general education allotments that are “saved” by using EIP allotments will be used to create a science lab and a gifted instructor. The remaining allotment will be used to enhance our integrated arts programs allowing for an additional .5 dance and drama teacher.
The Superintendent recommends the approval of the requested alternative staffing to increase student achievement. Evaluation of impact should be reviewed upon receipt of achievement results following the second year of implementation to maintain alternative staffing model.Hickory Hills SGT Team Members
Kristen Beaudin, Principal*
Kim Littlejohn, Teacher*
Melanie Wilson, Teacher
Annie Radding, Teacher
Marisa Gonzales, Teacher
Erin Babb, Teacher
Johnny Sinclair, Business Member
Kristy Stofer, Parent
Stephen McClure, Parent
SGT Meetings
SGT Meeting Dates TBD